Title: The Night Gardener 
Author: Jonathan Auxier 
Genre: Traditional Literature
Awards: Bluebonnet 
Age Group: 9-12

This book is about two siblings separated from their parents traveling to England, in search of a new life. Molly, the sister, sets up servant work, or service work at a house that a local woman warns them against. The old woman says that something bad has happened at that house and no one enters the house or the woods that surround it but the Windsor family. The siblings don't take the woman's advice because they need the food and shelter. The children realize immediately that something is off about the family and the house, but Molly conveniences and proves that her and her brother are a useful cook, housekeeper and gardener. The siblings start having nightmares that really scare them, and when they wake, there are muddy footprints on the floors. They also notice the family getting sicker and paler. They eventually find out the foot steps are from the night gardener who appears every evening to tend to the tree they were warned about. This tree can grant anything you want, but it wants your soul. After the girl convinced them to leave, they set the tree on fire, while the night gardener chased Kipp and the Windsor boy. At first it wouldn't burn, but Molly found the soft spot in the house and after the gardener tried to stop her, she lite her letters and set it on fire. After it was all over, the Mrs. of the house gave the siblings a gift, which was a map to a new home.

Teacher Evaluation:
I read this book online, which took me much longer than I expected. I'm not a fan of online reading, it makes my eyes go crazy. Even though it took me longer to read, it was a an o.k. read since it was a tad bit scary and suspenseful. This book drew the reader in immediately, with death on the first page. For it to be considered a folk tale, I felt it was extremely long and very drawn out. Overall, I probably wouldn't have this book in my classroom collection.


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