Title: My Brother Charlie
Author: Holly Robinson Peete
Genre: Non-fiction
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 7-10
This book was about twin, brother and sister, and the bother has autism. She talks about the things they like to do together, and the things that they don't do together. It also talks about when her mom first thought something was wrong with her brother, and how they had to watch him. Once they discovered he had autism, it discussed the things he did differently and how he showed love and his caring nature. The doctor said he would never say "I love you," but he said it to his sister when she hurt herself and began to cry. Charlie has autism but autism doesn't have Charlie.
This book was about twin, brother and sister, and the bother has autism. She talks about the things they like to do together, and the things that they don't do together. It also talks about when her mom first thought something was wrong with her brother, and how they had to watch him. Once they discovered he had autism, it discussed the things he did differently and how he showed love and his caring nature. The doctor said he would never say "I love you," but he said it to his sister when she hurt herself and began to cry. Charlie has autism but autism doesn't have Charlie.
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