Title: Seeing the Elephant 
Author: Pat Hughes 
Genre: Historical Fiction 
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 10-14

This book is about a young boys letters to his brothers fighting in the civil war or their name, the elephant, and his interaction with a rebel. He starts off with one perspective of war, but once he's allowed to go to Washington with his aunt, whos a nurse, his mindset changes. Once in Washington, he goes to the hospital with his aunt and meets a rebel. The rebel tells his side of the story, which makes Iz question what he believes. The rebel solider dies, and Iz writes a letter to his brother saying, "He didn't go to battle, but I have seen the elephant. I never want to meet him again." 

Teacher Evaluation:
This book was a very interesting book to me. To see the changes from beginning to end, really allowed the reader to change feelings. I would use this book to show perspectives from the civil war, as well as teach students that ones point of view isn't exactly correct point of view.


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