Title: Game Changers: The Story of Venus & Serena Williams
Author: Lesa Cline-Rahsome
Genre: Biography
Awards: Bluebonnet, ALA Notable
Age Group: 7-10
This book is a biography about Venus and Serena Williams. They were very close in age and grew up in the shadows of each other. Whatever Venus did, Serena did too. They started playing tennis, but would clean the courts at the crack of dawn. Their older three sisters played but lost interest. Their father was laughed at for his hopes and dreams for his daughters but that didn't stop him. Venus played her first professional match, and a year later, Serena did. In three years, the girls were both ranked in the top 50. Some tennis fans were happy to see new faces, while others weren't because of them being blacks playing in a all white sport. This didn't stop them, it pushed them harder, because their parents had prepared them for this by bringing in kids to scream and taunt them so they could learn to drown out the noise. The sisters were identical off the court but on the court, they were completely different. When the sisters played each other, the tickets would sell out. During the Australian Open in 1998, they both advanced to the third round to play each other for the first time. Venus beat Serena because she knows her weakness better than anyone else, but they met again 2002. Serena beat her sister and they both ranked number 1 and 2 in the world.
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