Title: Mister and Me
Author: Kimberly Willis Holt 
Genre: Historical Fiction 
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 10-12

This book is about a little girl, her mother, who his a seamstress, and her grandfather who is a saw miller. The little girl's dad died when she was three, and another man has taken interest in her mother. The little girl isn't happy at all, nor willing to let this man in, in any way. Then, the man told her about him wanting to marry her mother, showed her the ring, and bought them pretty red and blue velvet. She ended up cutting the velvet up and hurting her mothers feelings after he asked her to marry him, and she said yes. The granddads sister got sick, so the mom and granddad went to New Orleans for a few days. She had to stay with the man, he cooked for her, played his record player, took her to he movies, and took her out to a juke joint and danced with her. After this, she favored him and was ok with them getting married. They were married and she surprised both of them with a quilt made from the velvet she cut up, and they were happy as a family. 

Teacher Evaluation:
This book was very interesting, because my parents have been together since before I was born and still are. Seeing a different side, and having this book to be able to understand what my students may be going through is very helpful. I would have this book in my classroom to teach my students to not be afraid of change and that not all people are bad. Even when we do bad things to hurt people, we usually end up hurting ourselves. The step-dad in this book showed great compassion, and patience with the little girl, and that's something that I hope my students experiencing that change can receive.


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