Title: Gone Crazy in Alabama 
Author: Rita Williams-Garcia 
Genre: Fiction 
Awards: Coretta Scott King 
Age Group: 8-12

This book is about three sister who go to Alabama to spend the summer with their grandmother ,big ma, and their great-grandmother, ma-Charles. The girls are coming from Brooklyn, where they can be outspoken, and have been seeing all the good things the Black Panthers are doing for their community, to Alabama where they have to watch what they say and how they behave on the bus ride there because of the different view points to the KKK. Once there, they have to face their uncle Darrel, who stole from them when he was on drugs, and all of the back and forth their grandmother and her half-sister have for each other. Vonetta is the one would finds interest in this feud and she relays messages back and forth. The power of family overcome the feud when Vonetta rides a bike to town to get milk and a tornado takes her. She ends up with a broken arm, but all the family is together in one house, including their mother who has been gone for quite some time. Big-ma and her neighbor Mr. Charles end up getting married, and the girls go back to Brooklyn with their dad and their dad's wife. Delphine's sisters drive her crazy, but they know shes always there for them. 

Teacher Evaluation:
This book was a pretty good book, but there was a lot going on, and it was hard for me to follow. This was a series book, so I feel that I would have followed it better had I read the books before and my understanding would have been better. This book wouldn't be in my classroom because its for older kids but i would buy the series for my girls to read when they are older.


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