Title: Abuela
Author: Arther Dorros
Genre: Multicultural
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6-9
This book is about a grandmother or abuela, and her granddaughter. It talks about them going all over the city, and the grandmother telling stories about how she grew up and where she lived. They would fly in the sky like birds and visit all the big cites, and see all of their family. They end their adventure with a boat ride, hand in hand.
This book is about a grandmother or abuela, and her granddaughter. It talks about them going all over the city, and the grandmother telling stories about how she grew up and where she lived. They would fly in the sky like birds and visit all the big cites, and see all of their family. They end their adventure with a boat ride, hand in hand.
Teacher Evaluation:
This is a book that I would have my ELLs help me with. Once I would get to the Spanish phrases, I would have them say it and I would repeat after them. Since I am teaching them English, they can teach me some Spanish.
Great idea to have the students help you learn Spanish!!