Title: The Watsons Go to Birmingham
Author: Christoper Paul Curtis
Genre: Audio Book (Fiction)
Awards: Newbery Honor
Age Group: 12-18
This book is about a family of 5 who is living in Flint, Michigan. The middle son, Kenney, talks about his time in school, his brothers, and little sister, along with other members of the family. Kenny often gets picked on in school, but then his "Savior", a little boy much less fortunate than him comes along and the other kids start teasing him, they eventually become best friends. When the family goes on vacation, the story changes dramatically. They go from extremely cold temperatures to extremely hot temperatures, and to a strict grandmother who's agreed with the parents to keep Byron, the oldest brother, for the summer to stay out of trouble. While there, Kenney almost drowns in a whirlpool at the lake, and a bombing happens at Joeys, the baby sister, church. Kenney takes the bombing and drowning pretty hard, and goes into hiding for a while, until Byron explains to him that it wasn't his fault. In the end, they all were alright, and became closer as a family.
This book is about a family of 5 who is living in Flint, Michigan. The middle son, Kenney, talks about his time in school, his brothers, and little sister, along with other members of the family. Kenny often gets picked on in school, but then his "Savior", a little boy much less fortunate than him comes along and the other kids start teasing him, they eventually become best friends. When the family goes on vacation, the story changes dramatically. They go from extremely cold temperatures to extremely hot temperatures, and to a strict grandmother who's agreed with the parents to keep Byron, the oldest brother, for the summer to stay out of trouble. While there, Kenney almost drowns in a whirlpool at the lake, and a bombing happens at Joeys, the baby sister, church. Kenney takes the bombing and drowning pretty hard, and goes into hiding for a while, until Byron explains to him that it wasn't his fault. In the end, they all were alright, and became closer as a family.
Teacher Evaluation:
Because of the time this book was set in, there are many controversial topics. The segregation, the hatred that was shown for the African American church, and other topics that I would discuss during black history month. A correlation I would use with younger students is that we all should be treated equally and fairly, and to remember not everyone is as fortunate as others, and we should always be kind and caring.
Because of the time this book was set in, there are many controversial topics. The segregation, the hatred that was shown for the African American church, and other topics that I would discuss during black history month. A correlation I would use with younger students is that we all should be treated equally and fairly, and to remember not everyone is as fortunate as others, and we should always be kind and caring.
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