Title: The Royal Treasure Measure
Author: Trudy Harris 
Genre: Nonfiction 
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6-9

This book is about a royal family who wants different things around the castle made, but every worker, uses a different form of measuring, so nothing is the correct length or size. 
Teacher Evaluation:The king and queen hold a contest of measuring a riddle and the prize is to rule the land with the princess by his side. Everyone uses different things to measure, but none work until a man with nothing but his feet as measuring tools solves the riddle and wins the princesses heart. They live happily ever after, and the official new measuring tool his the length of his foot called the ruler because he's the ruler of the kingdom.

I enjoyed this book, and all the ways the people tired to measure. I would use this book in a math class when we are getting ready to measure things with other objects and then compare them to the 12in. in a foot.


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