Title: The Night Before Mother's Day
Author: Natasha Wing
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5-7
This book is about the day before Mother's Day, and the plan they had for their mom. The dad devised a plan to get the mother out the house, so they could prepare for the next day, which was Mother's Day. The mom went running with her friends, so the girls started making cards to express their love with a coupon code inside. The next morning, they woke their mother up with a bouquet and their cards for her spa day. They pampered her at the spa and then severed her brunch, and ended with a toast to the world's greatest mom!
This book is about the day before Mother's Day, and the plan they had for their mom. The dad devised a plan to get the mother out the house, so they could prepare for the next day, which was Mother's Day. The mom went running with her friends, so the girls started making cards to express their love with a coupon code inside. The next morning, they woke their mother up with a bouquet and their cards for her spa day. They pampered her at the spa and then severed her brunch, and ended with a toast to the world's greatest mom!
Teacher Evaluation:
I would use this book when it gets close to Mother's Day, to show the importance of a mother, or a mother figure. I need would mimic the crafts that the girls made for my students to make for their mother or mother figure.
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