Title: My Building
Author: Robin Isabel Ahrens
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5-7
This book is about a boy who lives in a tall apartment building. Its about all the encounters he has on a daily bases. From all the different doors lined in a row, to all kinds of people he sees that come out of them. The different décor, different smells, to all the different sounds coming from each apartment. On weekdays, he sees parents dressed in their work gear, and old people who smile every time they see him. All the children that he sees, and the delivery men, to the door man and the super, make him happy. He's glad he is a part of it and not just a passerby.
This book is about a boy who lives in a tall apartment building. Its about all the encounters he has on a daily bases. From all the different doors lined in a row, to all kinds of people he sees that come out of them. The different décor, different smells, to all the different sounds coming from each apartment. On weekdays, he sees parents dressed in their work gear, and old people who smile every time they see him. All the children that he sees, and the delivery men, to the door man and the super, make him happy. He's glad he is a part of it and not just a passerby.
Teacher Evaluation:
I would use this book in social studies when teaching about the different places each students lives, and what makes each place different, and the same.
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