Title: Marco's Cinco de Mayo 
Author: Lisa Bullard 
Genre: Nonfiction 
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5-7

This book is about Cinco de Mayo, which is the 5th of May. It talks about what the day actually means to Mexicans and Mexican Americans, how the day came into existences, and what the celebration consist of, from a child's point of view. The little boy's town throws a big parade, and the little boy has to dance on stage to a mariachi band, Mexican band. He gets nervous, but after a story from his cousin on Mexican history, he succeeded in the dance, and they end the celebration with tacos. 

Teacher Evaluation:
I liked this book, because it was broken down so that a child reading it could understand, and it had extra facts in the corners. I would have this book in my classroom library, and pull it out when we have cultural lessons, and during Cinco de Mayo. 


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