Title: Mama Played Baseball
Author: David A. Adler
Genre: Historical Fiction 
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6-8

This book is about a little girls dad being off at war, and her mother needing a job. It started with the girl and mother practicing throwing a baseball back and forth and how the mother wanted the little girl to make her reach for the ball, which would make her better. Once try outs came, the mother caught every ball but wasn't the best at batting, but she made the team. The grandparents would take the girl to the close games and she got to see how good her mom was and how people wanted her autographs after the game. Finally, the war was over, and the dad came home and they were happy to see each other in uniform. The book ended with them all sitting together eating, and listening to the radio.
Teacher Evaluation:
This book was amazing because it showed a woman playing a mans sport, doing something is loved which also allowed her to support her family. With this book, I could talk about the two wars that was discussed, the start of a womens baseball league and the admiration that a little girl has for her mother.


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