Title: Jamaica Tag-Along
Author: Juanita Havill
Genre: Multicultural 
Awards: N/A 
Age Group: 6-9

This book was about a girl named Jamaica, who wanted to be included in her big brother's basketball game. He didn't want her to tag-along, so she followed behind him. Once she saw an opportunity to jump into the game, she did and she almost made the shoot. The big boys were very upset and told her to get out of the way, and go to the swings. She didn't like not being able to play, but she went to the swings. She tired to swing, but a smaller boy kept walking in front of the swing. She then tired to build a castle but the little boy tried to help and ended up messing it up. The little boys mom told him that big kids don't like playing with small kids. Jamaica realized that she didn't like hearing that from her older brother, so she showed the little boy how to help build a castle. Then when her brother's game was over and the other kids left, he asked to help Jamaica if he could help her and the little boy build the castle. She didn't even mind if he tagged-along. 

Teacher Evaluation:
I would use this book to teach children to always be kind, and always try to include others. I would show them that feelings matter, even when we aren't trying to be mean. Overall, it was a good book.


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