Title: Its's Raining
Author: Gail Gibbons
Genre: Nonfiction
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 8-10
This book is about the water cycle that includes rain, and the other elements that usually goes along with rain. Elements that include, thunder, lighting, flooding, and all the different types of clouds that produce different types of rain and how long each rain last, as well as the damage that comes with these, and pollution. Usually, at the end of every rain, there's a "Rainbow!"
This book is about the water cycle that includes rain, and the other elements that usually goes along with rain. Elements that include, thunder, lighting, flooding, and all the different types of clouds that produce different types of rain and how long each rain last, as well as the damage that comes with these, and pollution. Usually, at the end of every rain, there's a "Rainbow!"
Teacher Evaluation:
I would use this book in sections, there was so much information, much more than I would give one child at one time. I would use this book when we are learning about rain, cloud types, evaporation and condensation, and the ecosystem that lives off of water.
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