Title: Families Are Different
Author: Nina Pellegrini
Genre: Multicultural 
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5-7

This book is about a girl name Nico. She has a big sister that looks like her, but parents who don't. Her and her sister are from Korea, but her parents are not. They do not look alike. She use to get very upset because her friends looked like their parents, and she didn't. Her mom told her their are many different types of families and not all of them are the same. She started looking around and saw many different family types. Some where the son and dad looked alike but not the mom, and some who didn't have a dad. After seeing all the different families, she didn't think she was strange anymore and she felt that her family was stuck together with really strong glue, because there's a ton of love around her. 

Teacher Evaluation:
I would use this book to show how all families are different , and that love can be given even if you aren't related. This is a good way to make connections with students on how their home lives are and make connections with other students.


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