Title: The Bell Rang
Author: James E. Ransome 
Genre: Historical Fiction 
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 6-8
This book is about the start of each day for slaves, and what their day contest of. Then, one day the other kisses the sister and gives her a very pretty handmade doll of sticks. The next day, the brother is gone, and the master and his dogs go and look for him. Days follow and they don't find him, and then a new week begins with the same morning bell, to start their same slave routine over again.

Teacher Evaluation:
This book was a very sad book, but with a splash of hope mixed with uncertainty. Not knowing if Ben made it or not, and having the family still in slavery gave me mixed emotions. I'm not sure how I would use this book in my classroom, but it was a good read.


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