Title: Three Blind Mice
Genre: Traditional Literature
Author: John W. Ivimey
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 4-6

This book was about three mice who wanted to have some fun, so they went out looking for some. They tried to stay at a inn but there was no room so they stayed in field and caught colds. they became very hungry, and asked for crumbs and a farmer was so kind to feed them till they were full. The farmers wife was unhappy with the mice, so she sent her cat to chase them out, but in the chase, the mice became blind from bramble hedge. Eventually the blind mice find a rabbit who have magic grease and they put it on their eyes and could see again. After this adventure, the mice decided to settle down so they built a house and stayed there till the end.

Teacher Evaluation:
This book was very different from the three blind mice rhyme that I grew up with. I wouldn't use this one to teach rhyme because there is so much more story in between each part of the song that I grew up with. This would be just a fun book that I would read to my students.


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