Title: The Perfect Hug
Author: Joanna Walsh & Judi Abbot
Genre: Poetry
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 4-6

This book was about a panda who wanted the perfect hug. He went searching for a hug from different animals. Some wiggled, giggled, tickled and prickled but none were right for him. He continued his search for the perfect hug with animals that were to small and some that were way larger than him. Some were scary and some had way to many arms, and some had none. He searched high and low but none where right until he found a panda a size of his own. He the huge that was perfect for him, "If you hug me, I'll hug you!"

Teacher Evaluation:
This book was a cute little book to help students with understanding different animals and how they hug, or can't huge. The motions that go with each animal, and the different sounds they make. It also has rhyming words that go throughout the book. I really enjoyed this book.


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