Title: Feathers for Lunch
Author: Lois Ehlert
Genre: Poetry
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5-8
This book was about a cat who went out looking for something new for lunch. The cats encounters different kinds of birds, and shows how he interacts with them and how they are compared to his can of food. He's really hungry but because the birds can fly, he only catches feathers for lunch.
Teacher Evaluation:
This book would be a good use for science because of the different types of birds that are shown, and the information on each bird, in the back of the book.
Author: Lois Ehlert
Genre: Poetry
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 5-8
This book was about a cat who went out looking for something new for lunch. The cats encounters different kinds of birds, and shows how he interacts with them and how they are compared to his can of food. He's really hungry but because the birds can fly, he only catches feathers for lunch.
Teacher Evaluation:
This book would be a good use for science because of the different types of birds that are shown, and the information on each bird, in the back of the book.
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