Title: Together We Are Together
Author: The ST. Brigid's Head Start Children Syracuse
Genre: Poetry
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 4-6
This book had many different poems created about many different things by many different students. There was poems about friends, mommy, loving and hair. There were pictures that were drawn by each student that wrote the poem.
Teacher Evaluation:
This book would be used to show other students about writing poems and how we can write our own as a class.
Author: The ST. Brigid's Head Start Children Syracuse
Genre: Poetry
Awards: N/A
Age Group: 4-6
This book had many different poems created about many different things by many different students. There was poems about friends, mommy, loving and hair. There were pictures that were drawn by each student that wrote the poem.
Teacher Evaluation:
This book would be used to show other students about writing poems and how we can write our own as a class.
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